Online AS/NZS3760 Test and Tag Competency Training
Metrotest have been training people to be ‘Competent’ to test and tag their appliances for over 20 years and now we have made it even easier with our interactive online training courses of Bronze, Silver and Gold. For more information watch our introductory video below.
Our new course is a 3-step process (it doesn’t cost any more, it’s just that we have broken up the course to make learning and studying easier), whereby you will gain competency through increased knowledge from our expert trainers and technicians.
The first part is free, Bronze, why not try it, there’s nothing but a little time to lose! You don’t even need a PAT Tester to work your way through the course.
Start with the Bronze Course, then move on to Silver and once you have completed Gold you will be ready for your one on one ‘live’ practical assessment for ‘Competency’ via Zoom with one of our friendly team. This is a great time to ask our friendly staff about anything you may still be unsure of, ensuring you feel 100% confident to go out and test & tag.
Metrotest have been training people to be ‘Competent’ to test and tag their appliances for over 20 years and now we have made it even easier with our interactive online training courses of Bronze, Silver and Gold. For more information watch our introductory video below.
Our new course is a 3-step process (it doesn’t cost any more, we have broken up the course to make learning and studying easier), whereby you will gain competency through increased knowledge from our expert trainers and technicians.
The first part Bronze is FREE so why not try it, there’s nothing but a little time to lose! You don’t even need a PAT Tester to work your way through the course.
Start with the Bronze Course, then move on to Silver and once you have completed Gold you will be ready for your one on one ‘live’ practical assessment for ‘Competency’ via Zoom with one of our friendly team. This is a great time to ask our friendly staff about anything you may still be unsure of, ensuring you feel 100% confident to go out and test & tag.
If you would like to sign up, please click here to and kick start your knowledge with our Bronze course first then Silver & Gold.
Please see below instructions if you get stuck!
Buying for others? FYI it is best to place orders separately for each person, ensuring each person has a different email address as sometimes this confuses the system.
- Select Online Courses
- Click Enroll Now on Bronze
- Tick Silver & Gold in the pop-up box, click Enroll Now
- Click Checkout
- Complete the order form:
- Please use the trainees email address rather than yours in all email address sections including the billing part.