AS/NZ3551 Test And Tag Training Course
Management Programs For Medical Equipment
This course is a more demanding course than the standard test and tag course and is based around the requirements of the AS/NZS3551 Standard. These courses run less frequently than our AS/NZS3760 course and are only available on demand. This course teaches how to test medical electrical equipment such as may be found in hospitals/doctor/dental surgeries or for people who hire this type of equipment out.
There are minimum requirements for this course which must be met before a candidate can enrol and this includes the persons background and their existing knowledge of testing. For those who do not have enough experience to register for this course, attending the AS/NZS3760 course and proof of actual testing time will normally enable enrolment.
The course requires students to understand in much more detail the different types of testing required for medical equipment used in a patient environment. It is important to note this course teaches only the ‘electrical testing side’ of AS/NZS3551, not product performance, flow rates, clutch torque settings and the like.
A one-day emersion training course to become competent to test portable electrical equipment up to but not including mains applied
In New Zealand electrical inspection and testing as described in AS/NZS 3551: 2012, AS/NZS 3760 and some others, is not a ‘prescribed electrical activity’ so you do not need to hold any electrical registration.
The aim of this training is to make you competent to test equipment you need to test beginning from 8:00am to 4:30pm, with morning tea provided for you. Limited to a maximum of 6 participants.
A minimum of a Metrotest electrical competency (test and tag) training course and some practical experience within the electrical testing industry.
Course Content
- Electrical Regulations
- Standards
- Non-Prescribed Activities
- Competency Requirements
- Safety Before Testing
- Current Legislation/Requirements
Visual/Mechanical Testing including:
- Classes of Equipment
- Electrical Symbols
Testing including:
- Earth Testing
- 500 Volt Insulation Resistance Testing
- Earth Leakage Test
- Other Optional Tests
- Correct Use of PAT Testers
- Practical Testing
- RCD Testing Requirements and Use
- Necessary actions following successful test results
- Necessary actions following unsuccessful test results
- Interpretation of test periods ie Table 2 AS/NZS3760
What to Bring
- A pen
- A piece of electrical equipment relevant to your field
- Your current medical tester that you would like to be trained with.
- A portable appliance tester (if you own one). Do not buy a tester before the course as you will learn what features to look for in a portable appliance tester and how to make an informed choice when purchasing. Portable appliance testers will be available to use on the day.
What you get
- Full back up and support from one of New Zealand’s longest established test and tag companies.
- Certificate of attendance and competency as well as a photo ID card
- Training from trainers that know the business, all of our trainers have carried out thousands of test on portable appliance testers and have a wealth of electrical knowledge to draw on.
- A full colour training manual with diagrams/photos that can be later referred to, thereby refreshing a person’s memory.
Testing covered by this course is electrical testing only and does not include performance testing