It’s a new year and it’s time for a new review. You may have read our best testers for 2024. So we were thinking, what about the worst ones, which testers should you avoid buying in 2024?
One reason why we thought of this list is because of the updated standard; the AS/NZS3760:2022 which has made several changes that your workplace should be aware of which you can also find a link to here (link). We also want to make sure you don’t end up spending thousands of dollars buying a lemon.
So we have broken it down into several areas, which we think are important to look at when it comes to what not to buy in 2024.
Keep in mind every person’s needs are different so one of these testers may still be suitable to your individual needs and at the end of the day you should make an informed decision before deciding on what tester to use. This likely includes:
- Data and reporting features
- Safety features
- Future-proofing/upgradability
- Testing functions
These areas revolve around the updated Standard and the updated requirements, which put a stronger focus on detailed results being recorded and kept.
1. Kyoritsu 6201A
This little tester we must say would have caused some users a few headaches. It has one usability problem where the mains power supply cord and IEC cord can accidentally be plugged into the wrong socket during testing which can result in some smoke if you know what I mean.
Not surprisingly this tester has a simple pass or fails function during test and tag, no numeral values that can be used for tags, even written tough test tags. Sad to say this tester doesn’t have much going for it and even as a resell we would say steer clear of it. We can say it’s no sad loss that it is no longer produced as it has no real upgradability options either. While you may be tempted by the price of one for sale as a second hand we would recommend the much newer and more well-designed Kyoritsu 6205 which will give you all those basic features for still a really reasonable price from the same manufacturer.
2. Seaward PAC3760 DL
This one may be a little controversial for those Seaward lovers out there but we have to mention this little battery-powered tester because of the areas we are reviewing testers on. Firstly, we have to say as an entry-level tester for those not wanting to spend too much, it could be a good option with simple upgradable features like a printer. However, we are in 2024 and this tester shows its age when you realize you can’t have the option of a wireless printer, which several other entry-level testers do and you can forget about any wireless or Bluetooth options.
In regards to other features, it’s great that it does give you numerical test values but it doesn’t give you the option of a 10A earthbond continuity test function, a true safety test over a compliance test. Adding to test functions, you can use it to do 3-phase testing but from what experience we have had, and customer’s experiences, its usability isn’t great and you could find better options even in the same price bracket that are more user-friendly for the average Joe.
Lastly, while it’s great that this little tester can allow you to download your test results you are limited in options of creating reports. Don’t expect an app for this tester so a phone or tablet is out for usability, instead, you have the CD shipped with the tester, which, in 2024 how many computers are made with a CD drive – we could be wrong though.
All around we do love the durability and size of this tester and when it was first released it had some advanced features for the entry-level user but now it’s showing its age and you would be better off getting something that has more future-proofed features.
3. Aegis Patrol Pro CZ5001
Currently, no longer in production, the Aegis Patrol Pro is a tester that in 2024 we would highly recommend stays on the shelf. It may be tempting to pick up one of these testers cheap second hand on eBay but you could end up paying more in the long run. The Aegis Patrol Pro doesn’t meet the updated AS/NZS3760: 2022 Standard.
Let’s begin with its useability, yes, it is simple to use with push button features but while this can be a benefit, in the Aegis Patrol Pros case, it becomes its Achilles heel as it doesn’t give you numerical test results, rather just a pass or fail indication. This is compounded by the fact that you won’t know why exactly it has failed and by how much. Pass or fail indications aren’t suitable for the updated standard.
Of course, being in the lower tier of PAT testers, you aren’t going to have any data capture or recording features and you can forget about upgradable options like a printer.
In the way of testing, you also aren’t given any option for testing PRCD which is a must-have and bare minimum for a tester and if you are a builder or plumber needing to get your PRCD’s tested, it isn’t going to cut it.
In 2024, we really would say resist the temptation of getting this cheap tester and look for something else that gives you data capture, essential test options and upgradable solutions.
4. Wavecom TNT -el
The brand that prides itself on being Australian-made, and we don’t have anything against Australian testers, it is just not all are created equal. To start off this tester is small, great for the average tradie needing to keep it in the back of the van.
We also have to say there are options here for this tester, having other models; the TNT RCD and the TNT Titan. The base model here isn’t going to give you some important functionality; RCDs are a no-go as you will need the TNT RCD or above so think carefully before purchasing this tester model. You may not need to test RCDs now but what about a year from now? It’s better to have this feature and not need it than to need it and not have it, an expensive mistake for $700.
While we do appreciate that we get numerical values of test results with this tester, it has to be said you aren’t going to be doing any printing or downloading of data with this particular tester, you’ll at least need the TNT Titan for that. Your options on software are pretty limited too, being limited to their WinPATs reporting software.
We have to say that while we love the aesthetic design of the tester and its futuristic look it isn’t very forward thinking but as we have already stated it does have other versions more suitable but we have to wonder, is it really good value for money? Yes, it’s cheaper but in the long run, it could cost you more money as its base model isn’t upgradable so you will have to buy another tester on top of it once your needs change. A big fat no from Metrotest, check out their TNT Titan instead from the same manufacturer.
And that’s our, most probably, controversial list of what testers not to buy in 2024. However, that’s just our opinion and maybe you disagree. Whatever your opinion is, we highly encourage you to do your own research first. If you get stuck Metrotest is always here to help, so why not give us a call today or check out our other article on the best testers for 2024?
Safe testing everyone!