Testing and Tagging Commercial Spaces

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Testing and Tagging Commercial Spaces

Commercial testing and tagging services ensure that appliances are safe and ready to use in a commercial environment. New Zealand work safety standards outline requirements for companies to make sure their electrical appliances are safe. One solution is to test and tag your appliances.

Testing and tagging helps to label your appliances as safe at the time of testing. With regular testing companies can help catch faults and then repair or replace the appliance before it can cause any harm.

Testing and tagging doesn’t need to be performed by a registered electrician, but it does need to be carried out by a competent individual with a comprehensive understanding of the standards involved.

Who needs to get their appliances check

If you are operating a business of any kind then it is safe to say that all equipment needs to be electrically safe to use. Failure to ensure the safety of your appliances could cause serious harm or damage to property. 

Some industries that could benefit from commercial test and tag services are:

  • Schools
  • Hotels and motels
  • Hospitals
  • Retail stores
  • Industrial businesses
  • Other large commercial spaces

What happens if you don’t test and tag

Safety should always be your number 1 priority in your commercial space. Without testing and tagging it can be impossible to know whether or not your appliances are safe. If left alone then unassuming electrical appliances could cause problems. If someone was to be injured then WorkSafe would have no choice to get involved.

Testing and tagging is an effect way to ensure your appliances are compliant. Although not required by law, it helps business maintain their electrical appliances.

How often should you test and tag your commercial space?

Depending on your industry the frequency at which you should test will vary. For example, commercial industries such as mining, construction and demolition are require quarterly testing.

Regular commercial spaces such as an office or store appliances may only need to be tested once or twice a year. Some devices may only need testing every 2-5 years.

The main factor that will influence the frequency at which you test and tag your commercial space is your risk tolerance. If you know your appliances go through a beating throughout the year, it may be safer to test more regularly. Ensuring your electrical appliances are functioning correctly and safely is the point of the regulations after all.

If you own or operate a commercial space and have not tested or tagged your appliances then you are at the mercy of your appliances integrity. Here at Metrotest offer a wide range of test and tag services including testing and tagging commercial spaces.

Once we have tested and tagged your appliances we can schedule regular maintenance to take the headache out of maintaining your electrical appliances.

Call 0800 638 768 or contact us online and get your commercial appliances tested and tagged. Keep your commercial space safe.