MIC-5005 Insulation Resistance Meter


  • Insulation resistance measurement:
    • measurement voltage any in the range of 50…1000 V at 10 V and 1000…5000 V at 25 V resolution,
    • continuous indication of measured insulation resistance or leakage current,
    • automatic discharge of measured object capacitive voltage after the end of insulation resistance measurement,
    • acoustic signaling of 5 seconds intervals to facilitate capturing time characteristics,
    • metered T1 , T2 and T3 test times for measuring one or two absorption coefficients from the range of 1…600 s,
    • adjustable measuring time to 99’59’’,
    • polarization index (PI) and dielectric absorption ratio (DAR) measurement,
    • indication of actual test voltage during measurement,
    • 1.2 mA and 3 mA test current,
    • step voltage insulation resistance measurement (SV),
    • Dielectric Discharge calculation (DD),
    • protection against measuring live objects,
    • measurements with test leads up to 20 m.
  • Digital filters function for measurements in high noise enviroment (10 s, 30 s , 60 s).
  • Measurement of leakage current during insulation resistance testing.
  • Measurement of capacitance during the measurement of RISO.
  • DC and AC voltage measurement in the range of 0…600 V.
  • 990 cells of memory (11880 records) with the capability of wireless data transmission to a PC (with the USB-OR adapter) or through a USB cable.
  • Power supply from battery packs, low battery warning indicator, built-in fast charger.
  • Display backlit.

The instruments meet the requirements of the EN 61557 standard.

Insulation resistance measurement (two-lead)

Measurement range acc. to IEC 61557-2: 50k…15,0 TΩ (IISOnom = 1,2 mA or 3 mA)

0,0…999 kΩ1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 10 digits)
1.00…9,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
10.0…99,9 MΩ0,1 MΩ
100…999 MΩ1 MΩ
1.00…9,99 GΩ0,01 GΩ
10.0…99,9 GΩ0,1 GΩ
100…999 GΩ1 GΩ±(3.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
1.00…9,99 TΩ0,01 TΩ±(7.5% m.v. + 10 digits)
10.0…15,0 TΩ0,1 TΩ±(10% m.v. + 10 digits)

Values of measured resistance depending on measurement voltage

Voltage UISOMeasurement range
250 V500 GΩ
500 V1.00 TΩ
1000 V2.00 TΩ
2500V5.00 TΩ
5000V15.0 TΩ


Measurement of leakage current

0…ILmaxm, µ, n [A]Calculated basing on
resistance measurements

· ILmax – maximum current at short circuit of leads,
· resolution and units result from the measurement range of individual insulation resistance.

Step voltage insulation resistance measurement

Target voltageMeasurement
voltage sequence
1 kV200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 V
2.5 kV0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 kV
5 kV1, 2, 3, 4, 5 kV

· duration of each “step” adjustable from 30s to 5mins
· measurement result for each voltage step is stored in memory

Capacity measurement

1…999 nF1 nF±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
1.00…49.99 µF0.01 µF

· Capacity measurement result is displayed after the RISO measurement

DC and AC voltage measurement

0.0…29.9 V0.1 V±(2% m.v. + 20 digits)
30.0…299.9 V0.1 V±(2% m.v. + 6 digits)
300…600 V1 V±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)


The acronym “m.v.” stands for a “measured reference value”.


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