MIC-30 Insulation Resistance Meter WMGBMIC30


Insulation resistance measurement:

  • selected test voltage: any voltage in the 50…1000 V range with 10 V step,
  • automatic measurement in sockets with the UNI-Schuko adapter with possibility of configuring pairs of measured cables,
  • continuous indication of insulation resistance or leakage current,
  • automatic discharge of capacitance of tested object after the insulation resistance measurement,
  • acoustic signalling of five-second periods to facilitate obtaining time characteristics,
  • measured test times T1, T2 i T3 to measure one or two absorption coefficients in the 1… 600 sec. range,
  • indication of actual test voltage during the measurement,
  • protection against measuring live objects,
  • three-lead measurement.

Continuity measurement of protective and equipotential conductors according to EN 61557 – 4 with the >200 mA current

Low-voltage circuit continuity and resistance measurement:

  • circuit resistance measurement (<1999 Ω ) with the <15 mA current,
  • quick sound signal if circuit resistance is below 30Ω.

Leakage current measurement.

Capacitance measurement during the RISO measurement

Measurement of alternating and direct voltages in the 0…600 V range.

990 memory cells and wireless data transmission to a computer using Bluetooth.

Power supply: 4 AA disposable or rechargeable batteries, monitoring of power supply voltage.

Meters conform to EN 61557.

Electric safety:

  • type of insulation: double, according to EN 61010 – 1 and IEC 61557
  • measurement category: IV 600 V (III 1000 V) according to EN 61010 – 1
  • protection class acc. to EN 60529: IP67

Other technical specifications:

  • power suply: 4 alkaline batteries or or battery package Ni-MH
  • weight: ~1 kg
  • dimentions: 220 x 100 x 60 mm

Insulation resistance measurement

Measuring range according to EN 61557 – 2 for UN=50 V: 50 kΩ…250,0 MΩ

0,0…999,9 kΩ0,1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
[±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)]*
1,000…9,999 MΩ0,001 MΩ
10,0…99,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
100,0…250,0 MΩ0,1 MΩ

*for the WS-04 lead

Measuring range according to EN 61557 – 2 for UN=100 V: 100 kΩ…500,0 MΩ

0,0…999,9 kΩ0,1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
[±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)]*
1, 000…9,999 MΩ0,001 MΩ
10,0…99,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
100,0…500,0 MΩ0,1 MΩ

*for the WS-04 lead

Measuring range according to EN 61557 – 2 for UN=250 V: 250 kΩ…2,000 GΩ

0,0…999,9 kΩ0,1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
[±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)]*
1,000…9,999 MΩ0,001 MΩ
10,0…99,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
100,0…999,0 MΩ0,1 MΩ
1,000…2,000 GΩ0,001 GΩ

*for the WS-04 lead

Measuring range according to PN-EN 61557 – 2 for UN=500 V: 500 kΩ…20,00 GΩ

0,0…999,9 kΩ0,1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
[±(5% m.v. + 8 digits)]*
1,000…9,999 MΩ0,001 MΩ
10,00…99,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
100,0…999,0 MΩ0,1 MΩ
1,000…9,999 GΩ0,001 GΩ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits)
[±(6% m.v. + 6 digits)]*
10,00…20,00 GΩ**0,01 GΩ

*for the WS-04 lead
**for the WS-04 lead range to 10 GΩ

Measuring range according to EN 61557 – 2 for UN=1000 V: 1000 kΩ…10,00 GΩ

0,0…999,9 kΩ0,1 kΩ±(3% m.v. + 8 digits)
1,000…9,999 MΩ0,001 MΩ
10,00…99,99 MΩ0,01 MΩ
100,0…999,0 MΩ0,1 MΩ
1,000…9,999 GΩ0,001 GΩ±(4% m.v. + 6 digits)
10,00…99,99 GΩ0,01 GΩ
100,0 GΩ0,1 GΩ

Continuity measurement of protective and equipotential conductors with the 200 mA current

Measuring range according to EN 61557 – 4: 0,10…1999 Ω

0,00…19,99 Ω0,01 Ω±(2% m.v. + 3 digits)
20,0…199,9 Ω0,1 Ω
200…1999 Ω1 Ω±(4% m.v. + 3 digits)
  • Voltage on open terminals: <8 V
  • Output current at R <2 Ω: ISC >200 mA: ISC >200 mA
  • Compensation of test leads’ resistance
  • Unidirectional current flow


Low-voltage and resistance measurement



0,0…199,9 Ω0,1 Ω±(3% m.v. + 3 digits)
200…1999 Ω1 Ω



  • Voltage on open terminals: <8 V
  • Current for closed terminals 5 mA < ISC < 15 mA
  • Sound signal and green LED on when measured resistance < 30 Ω ± 50%
  • Compensation of test leads’ resistance,

Capacitance measurements

1…999 nF1 nF±(5% m.v. + 5 digits)
  • Capacitance value displayed during the RISO measurement
  • For test voltages below 100 V and measured resistance below 10 MΩ, unspecified capacitance measurement error


Measurement of alternating and direct voltage

0,0…299,9 V0,1 V±(2% m.v. + 6 digits)
300…600 V1 V±(2% m.v. + 2 digits)

Frequency range: 45…65 Hz


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