There are risks and hazards everywhere in life, some are obvious and can be easily seen and others require more investigation to reduce the risk and remove or at least minimise the risk. When it comes to electricity you cannot see it and where it is flowing and this is why it can be so dangerous.
Author: Metrotest
To keep your test equipment working and giving accurate readings you will need to get a calibration check routinely. We may need to dismantle equipment for this, but often this is not required.
Since the tester has been sent to us for calibration it might be worth getting a medical on it while it’s with us – this we call a ‘Medcal’ ie medical and calibration.
Appliance Tester Calibration
A test instrument, for calibration purposes, could be likened to a piano getting tuned. There are two parts to the process; first the tuner will check the individual keys are in tune and if not, then each will be adjusted to be ‘in tune’.
We have two facilities set up in New Zealand to repair test equipment that we have supplied. Many people ‘sell’ test equipment, but few repair what they sell, but don’t worry even if your tester was not bought from us often we will still be able to repair it.